Teenage, Mutant, Ninja Turtles

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, shortened to TMNT is a multimedia franchise originally created in the early 80's by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. Originally starting as a comic book series with its first published in 1984 by their company they created, Mirage Studios; the series quickly gained popularity and along with it, a TV show in '87 and toys, toys, toys!

There's a great YouTube video by matttt talking about the history of the TMNT franchise and its rise to popularity during the 80's, 90's, and onward in the years. There's also a reading guide for the comics in the description of the YouTube video, which is really appreciated for any comic series.

Similar to Sonic, TMNT has multiple entry points from different decades; whether it be comics, movies, or games! Each TMNT iteration has things unique to it, but they all follow the same core story from Eastman and Laird's comics to different degrees.

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Other Websites!

TMNT Entity blog dedication to various TMNT reviews

Virtual Ninja Turtle Museum showcases all the various TMNT toys over the years

The Mirage Group Mirage Studio's original website